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Dean's message

Túžba meniť svet k lepšiemu je v každom z nás. Stavebníctvo je jednou z možností, ako tento sen naplniť. Stavba je komplexné dielo nielen z pohľadu architektúry, konštrukčných systémov, ale vnímame ju ako podnikateľský projekt. Je potrebné ju naplánovať, realizovať, predať a nájsť vhodný spôsob užívania. Príď k nám študovať a toto všetko ťa naučíme. Postav si s nami svoju úspešnú budúcnosť!

Study programs

The Faculty of Civil Engineering provides education in 1 field of study Civil Engineering at all 3 levels of study and offers several lifelong learning courses. All full-time study programs are also accredited in English.

Bachelor degree programs:

  • Architectural engineering
  • Structural and transportation engineering
  • Technology and management in civil engineering

Master degree programs:

  • Architectural engineering
  • Structural and transportation engineering
  • Technology and management in civil engineering

Doctoral Degree programs:

  • Theory of architectural and indoor engineering
  • Theory and design of structural engineering
  • Theory of technology and management in civil engineering

The study program Architectural engineering both on bachelor and master level has international accreditation EUR-ACE. The EUR-ACE accreditation gives the university a mark which allows it to become one of the leading European universities and universities which have already acquired the mark. It gives students the assurance that by completing a EUR-ACE accredited study they will meet the strictest criteria for graduates in European business practice.

The EUR-ACE® brand is included by the European Commission among the “European Quality Labels”, which guarantees the quality of the study program while ensuring the scientific and academic quality of the study process, while confirming the graduates' practical knowledge and skills for their future employment.