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Erasmus+ Internships opportunities at the UMA International HUB

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Erasmus+ Internships opportunities at the UMA International HUB


Greetings from the University of Málaga.

At the UMA International HUB (a division under the International Relations Office of the University of Malaga), we are dedicated to managing international events such as the International Staff Week and the Buddy Program. We are pleased to offer Erasmus+ international internship opportunities for undergraduate, master's, and PhD students who wish to undertake both short and long-term internships abroad.

Students interested in these opportunities can visit our website here: www.uma.es/international-hub/. If they find our activities appealing, they can apply for an internship through the following form: www.uma.es/international-hub/info/147989/practicas/.

Please note that the University of Malaga does NOT provide any grants or funding for these internships. Students must secure their funding through an Erasmus+ internship grant or a similar programme with their home university.

For further questions, please, contact with:
UMA International HUB
International Relations Office
Tel.: (+34) 951 952 773
E-mail: internationalhub@uma.es
Edificio Jardín Botánico
Bulevar Louis Pasteur 29
29071 Málaga