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Dean’s Message

Construction is a timeless and promising field that offers many job opportunities at home and abroad. Apply to study with us. You won't just sit in a desk and listen to lectures. You'll get involved in a variety of laboratory exercises, experimental tests, specific projects, excursions and internships. You will be connected with practice, where you will verify your theoretical knowledge. You will learn how to use the latest tools and methods to design and assess construction works. We will create a space for your professional growth. Extend the group of professionals in the construction industry!


Študentské poradenské a informačné centrum (ŠPIC) Stavebnej fakulty Technickej univerzity v Košiciach (SvF TUKE) plní funkciu nielen prvého kontaktu pre nových študentov fakulty, ale prostredníctvom svojich služieb aktívne poskytuje poradenské služby pre študentov fakulty a pre verejnosť informácie o možnostiach a podmienkach štúdia na SvF TUKE.


ŠPIC pracuje prostredníctvom