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Osaka University Student Video Contest 2024 (Pre-entry by September 29)

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Osaka University Student Video Contest 2024 (Pre-entry by September 29)

Pre študentov

The SDGs Virtual Exchange Program at Center for Global Initiatives, Osaka University is pleased to invite your students to participate in this year’s Osaka University Student Video Contest “3 Minutes of Inspiration for Sustainable Development”. Thanks to your continued collaboration, hundreds of students from our partner universities around the world have participated in our programs in the past. We hope our programs will continue to serve as platforms for student engagement among our esteemed partner universities and encourage students’ active role in society.

Below is a brief description of the program, and below we have included the program flyers for your distribution.

“3 Minutes of Inspiration for Sustainable Development” Student Video Contest

  • Description: We invite students at Osaka University’s partner universities (including inter-faculty partners, and members university consortiums) to create a 3-minute video on SDGs and to share their ideas about how they can make a difference in their communities. Students can use English, Japanese, or their native languages (For languages other than Japanese or English, please make sure to add English subtitles).
  • Prizes
    • Grand Prize: Osaka University President’s Prize: 100,000 JPY
    • “Best SDGs Idea Prize”
    • “Best Production Prize”
    • “Encouragement Award”
    • Nomination prize

*All eligible videos will receive Osaka University Certificate (digital)
*The shortlisted videos will be screened at the Awards Ceremony and the Student Forum.

  • Pre-entry deadline: September 29, 2024 (Sunday)
  • Deadline for video submission: October 27, 2024 (Sunday) (23:59 in Japan Standard Time)

Please download the flyer from the following link.


Full guidance is available on our webpage: http://osku.jp/y0457

For inquiries regarding the program, please contact:
SDGs Virtual Exchange program
Email: sdgs@cgin.osaka-u.ac.jp