Vitajte v novom ak. roku 2024/25 (Welcome to the new academic year 2024/25)
Vitajte v novom ak. roku 2024/25
Dekan v čase otvorenia ak.roka od 11:00 prerušuje výučbu a študenti spolu s vyučujúcimi majú možnosť si prenos pozrieť priamo z učební online:
Nech sa Vám darí, máte veľa energie, trpezlivosti a chuti ísť si za svojimi snami s nami![🤗](
Welcome to the new academic year 2024/25
During the opening of the academic year at 11:00, the Dean will interrupt classes, and students along with faculty will have the opportunity to watch the livestream directly from the classroom online:
Wishing you success, plenty of energy, patience, and the motivation to pursue your dreams with us! 🤗
Dekan v čase otvorenia ak.roka od 11:00 prerušuje výučbu a študenti spolu s vyučujúcimi majú možnosť si prenos pozrieť priamo z učební online:
Nech sa Vám darí, máte veľa energie, trpezlivosti a chuti ísť si za svojimi snami s nami
Welcome to the new academic year 2024/25
During the opening of the academic year at 11:00, the Dean will interrupt classes, and students along with faculty will have the opportunity to watch the livestream directly from the classroom online:
Wishing you success, plenty of energy, patience, and the motivation to pursue your dreams with us! 🤗