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Dean's message

Túžba meniť svet k lepšiemu je v každom z nás. Stavebníctvo je jednou z možností, ako tento sen naplniť. Stavba je komplexné dielo nielen z pohľadu architektúry, konštrukčných systémov, ale vnímame ju ako podnikateľský projekt. Je potrebné ju naplánovať, realizovať, predať a nájsť vhodný spôsob užívania. Príď k nám študovať a toto všetko ťa naučíme. Postav si s nami svoju úspešnú budúcnosť!

Institutes and Departments

The institutes are scientific-pedagogical workplaces of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Technical University in Košice (SvF TUKE), which provide teaching in the areas of their professional activity in all stages and forms of study and are engaged in research and development activities in the relevant fields of study, develop foreign relations, cooperate with practice and carry out entrepreneurial activities.


Institute of Structural Engineering and Transportation Structures

Institute of Architectural Engineering

Institute of Technology, Economics and Management in Construction

Institute for Sustainable and Circular Construction


The Specialized Institutes implement, coordinate and develop selected professional activities of the Faculty of Civil Engineering TUKE in the field of education, research, development, innovations, business activities and expert activities.

Specialized Institutes:

Center of Research and Innovation in Construction

Expert's Institute in Construction